What is innovation?
What is innovation?
Innovation? Innovation is bring something new, break with the know routine of everyday life, throwing the stone far away ... somewhere where others haven't been able to land. Innovation is not easy! Requires a spirit of initiative, entrepreneurship and a shot of madness! I innovate every day?! If you innovate every day? No. But I innovate whenever I wake when I don't know what direction to take? I Innovate because I take the initiative to manage the day depending on my own volition, not neglecting (unfortunately) the constraints of society that spear products, brands, and a panoply of rules and “more do not know what” ... Innovate is both replacing the usual shampoo brand by current market trend (reflection of models with dream bodies that try to attract hair looks religiously treated). Innovate is “say No” to something and launch “the Yes” to something or someone. Innovations do (not) require originality, not necessarily seek patents and recognition of merit. INNOVATE like i do ... change, change! In short, LIVE, because what is innovation for some, you can get introduced as banal and routine to others. Innovation is above all ACTION. Market studies come and go ... cataloguing representations of the part but not of "The All". It is so hard to figure out what is missing ... what it´s necessary to create... the creation may get introduced as "New"; but not always will be innovative. Not seek to innovate, INNOVATE / LIVE!